The book has sold more than 4 million copies to date and was named Amazon’s bestselling book of 2013. StrengthsFinder® 2.0 instantly became a Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, and USA Today bestseller. In 2007, Gallup published StrengthsFinder® 2.0 and unveiled the new and upgraded version of its popular assessment. Most of us are investing in our development every year - the investment to learn your top 5 strengths from Gallup’s Strengthsfinder 2.0 is about $10, US, and to get the full report of 34 strengths is about $80, US. New Strengthsfinder 2.0 by Tom Rath with Online Assessment Code Strengths Finder Brand New 4.5 out of 5 stars - New Strengthsfinder 2.0 by Tom Rath with Online Assessment Code Strengths Finder.