Of course, the Quran recitation has certain manners and ethics. Yunus And you are not (engaged) in any affair, nor do you recite concerning it any portion of the Quran, nor do you do any work but We are witnesses over you when you enter into it, and there does not lie concealed from your Lord the weight of an atom in the earth or in the heaven, nor anything less than that nor greater, but it is in a clear book. Why Quran Recitation is Important For Muslims? However, some Muslims think that reciting the Quran cannot be effective if they do not know the meaning of what they are reciting. This is a very nice act, which should be appreciated by everyone, especially their fellow humans.
Most practicing Muslims regularly recite the Quran. Quran Para 1: Reciting the Quran is an integral part of a good Muslim’s life. Quran Para 1 (Alif Laam Meem) Recite Online and PDF